writer, artist, social/political commentator

Gretel is a much sought after MC and Keynote Speaker due to her unique wit, warmth and wisdom. In recent years Gretel has presented for an extraordinary range of clients and organisations including The NSW Police Force, The Premier’s Department, The Australia Day Celebrations, The B&T Women in Media Awards, The Fred Hollows Foundation, The Festival of Dangerous Ideas, VIVID, All About Women, School of Life, Binge Fest, The NSW Art Gallery’s Art Express, The Small Business Champion Awards, The Salvation Army, AIM IWD Debate, Canon, VIACOM, Make A Wish. ABC’s Conversations, South Australia’s YWCA,Women of Letters, The Full Catastrophe, AMP, AIRAH, Mardi Gras,The Midwinta Ball and Coraggio and Gretel has MC’d around the world for troops with the Australian Defence Force.
For enquiries, contact here